
Rick Scott: Congress shouldn't be paid during govt. shutdown

The shutdown, which stems from a border funding dispute, has lasted 3 weeks

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – Though he’s only been in office for three days, U.S. Senator Rick Scott is already calling for action in response to the federal government shutdown.

Scott, the former Republican governor from Florida, released a statement Friday saying members of what he called a "dysfunctional" Congress should not be paid while the shutdown continues.

"The vast majority in Congress say they want border security. The vast majority also say they want to open the government," he said. "So, of course, they won’t do either."

Noting that he campaigned on a promise to “make government work,” the freshman senator vowed to work with his colleagues to re-open the government "as soon as possible."

Scott, who chose to forego his $130,000 annual salary during his two terms as governor, said he will not collect the $174,000 salary he would be eligible to receive in the Senate.

“The people of Florida deserve a government that functions. Period. And until that happens, Congress shouldn’t get paid. I believe Members’ pay must be furloughed immediately as long as Americans aren’t getting government services."

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