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Security tight for Northwest Classic after past violence

Fans walked through metal detectors, extra police on patrol

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JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – Duval County Public Schools have been improving game safety and security following the triple shooting that happened after a game at Raines High School in 2018.

A year ago, right after the rivalry game ended between Lee and Raines high schools, police said a gang shooting left one person dead and two people hurt.

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The school district said the shooting happened despite heavy security from Jacksonville and school police.  

There were no major incidents reported during the game on Saturday. It was an afternoon of camaraderie and friendly rivalry. 

There were extra security officers and police officers stationed throughout the game. 

At every entrance there were metal detectors that fans walked through, and people were also wanded down by security. 

No backpacks were allowed inside and bags were searched. 

This year, three games that attract big crowds are now on Saturdays including, Sandalwood versus Fletcher, Raines versus Lee, and of course Raines versus Ribault in the Northwest Classic. 
Many attending Saturday's game say they appreciate the beefed-up security. 

An emphasis on security was placed on all Duval County high school games this year.

Some changes are obvious and many said necessary. They include all games having metal detectors for fans to walk through and moving Friday night game kickoffs to 6 instead of 7 p.m.