Dr Matt Glass is excited to meet the viewers of River City Live, offering non-surgical Disc Care, premiere patient experience, and Best in Class Technology that drives clinical excellence and results.
The first 5 callers that mention River City Live qualify for a $49 new patient special that includes a 1 hour consultation initial examination, and x-rays (if necessary) by Dr. Glass, this offer saves you hundreds of dollars just by mentioning River City Live!
To learn more visit www.DrGlassInJax.com !
*This offer excludes Medicare
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The Spinal Pain Epidemic: All Roads Lead to Disc
Spinal Pain is an epidemic around the world. Back pain and neck pain are the #1 and #4 cause of disability worldwide according to the 2010 Global Burden of Disease study1.
Bulging and Herniated Spinal Discs are the main contributor to chronic, severe, and progressive back and neck pain that leads to varying degrees of disability.
Thanks to advancements in medical technology there are non-surgical options available to help spinal discs heal without prescription drugs, epidural steroid injections, and surgery.
Non-surgical spinal decompression is emerging as the number one non-surgical option to treat pain caused by bulging, herniated, and degenerated disc conditions. Let’s briefly look at the physiological reasons why.
The Boxell Martin Study States2 “The Disc itself is active tissue that contains significant mechanisms for self-repair…The strength of the disc is related to the fluid content of the disc.
Dr. Norman Shealy M.D., PHD., is a Harvard Trained Neurosurgeon who is responsible for much of the advancements of spinal decompression and has written the decompression protocols for one of the leading spinal decompression technology companies. His protocols have been utilized to treat hundred of thousands of patients.
Dr. Shealy states, “…The cycling of the pressure produced by a specific algorithm helps create a pumping action that improves circulation and help rehydrate the disc…”3
In other words, the disc need water to heal and spinal decompression pumps water back into the disc.
For patients that are determined to be good candidates for spinal decompression numerous studies have shown over an 83% success rate, a few of which are cited below. 4,5
If you are a suffering with neck, back, and nerve pain that may be due to a spinal disc problem, getting a thorough evaluation, which will include a consultation, examination, x-rays and an MRI from a non-surgical disc doctor may be the best thing you will ever do.
1. Hoy D, March L, Woolf A, et al The global burden of low back pain: estimates from the Global Burden of Disease 2010 study Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 2014:73:968-974, 1309-1315
2. Martin MD, Boxell CM, Malone DG. Pathophysiology of lumbar disc degeneration: a review of the literature. Neurosurg Focus. 2002 Aug 15;13(2):E1. doi: 10.3171/foc.2002.13.2.2. PMID: 15916393.
3. Kaplan DC, Bard DC, The Ultimate Spinal Decompression Book 2022, 35
4. Shealy MD PHD, Borgmeyer, RN MA., American Journal of Pain Management Vol 7 NO. 2 April 1997
5. Leslie MD, American Academy of Pain management, sept 27-30, 2007 Las Vegas