Pawsing For Pets with St. Augustine Humane

Kitten season is currently underway, a biannual period marked by a surge in kitten births. During this time, the St. Augustine Humane Society (SAHS) experiences a significant increase in calls from individuals seeking advice on kittens or litters they have discovered.

One such case is Oscar.


“Several weeks ago, this scrawny black cat crossed SAHS’s path when a staff member was out to lunch. The animal was so emaciated that he could hardly walk. Upon closer visual examination, it was obvious that something was wrong. Often times when adult cats stop regularly grooming themselves, it is a sign of a possible medical issue.

The cat, which workers and customers at the business called Oscar, did not have the universal left ear tip so he was brought in under SAHS’s normal TNR protocol. After a medical exam, it was determined that in addition to fleas, lice, dehydration, and malnourishment, Oscar had severe dental issues, and the probable cause for Oscar’s present condition was because it was painful for him to eat or to groom. SAHS determined that without proper humane intervention, Oscar’s quality of life experience would be severely diminished. SAHS also determined that Oscar’s condition required medical attention sooner rather than later. Without surgery, Oscar would not be able to eat properly. SAHS will never allow an animal to suffer. Oscar’s path with SAHS was decided. Oscar needed dental surgery.

First step: Pre-op fostering for Oscar. It was imperative to make sure Oscar’s pre-op medications were administered and he had fresh water, and age appropriate food until he was strong enough for surgery.

Second step: Surgery planned. Several, but not all, of Oscar’s teeth were damaged, decayed or diseased and had to come out. After designing a pre-surgery diet, and performing a full panel of blood tests, a surgical plan was created for Oscar, in which Oscar’s damaged and diseased teeth would be removed.

Third step, Oscar’s recuperation. Oscar had to be cared for and loved on until he was cleared by SAHS’s medical staff. Oscar is now living his best life.

You can help the St. Augustine Humane Society continue providing needed medical services to dogs and cats like Oscar. Please visit PINUPPAWS.COM to participate in SAHS’S Sweet Things calendar contest. All proceeds benefit the lifesaving programs carried out by the St. Augustine Humane Society. Also, on Saturday, June 28, 2024, SAHS will be holding a toast to Oscar at Island Wing Company at Bartram Park. Oscar will be there and the community can come out a make a donation to any of the dogs and cats that are participating in the Pin up Paws Sweet Things 2025 Calendar Contest, or make a general donation to any of the animals entered in the contest. You don’t have a favorite, then spin the wheel and let lady luck choose your participant. The Spin to Win Wheel will be there along with Oscar.”

If you are interested in sharing your home with one of these sweet kittens please visit

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