
River City Plus: “Reaching the unreached” - 3 siblings, 1 mission

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – On December 28, 2023, Jacksonville loca Max Morel and his siblings embarked on their annual New Year’s trip to South America, choosing Cartagena as their destination.

During their stay, they were moved by a strong desire to give back to the local community. Motivated by this, they organized a charity donation drive for the neighborhood of Barrio La María. Despite Cartagena’s popularity as a tourist destination, the needs of its local residents often go overlooked.

The kindness and warmth they encountered from the people of Cartagena left a lasting impression. One of the siblings reflected on the experience, noting the generosity of those who have little but are willing to give so much.

The group successfully raised $600 in donations, which they supplemented with their own trip expenses, bringing the total to approximately $1,500. With this amount, they were able to purchase groceries for 40 families, providing them with essential supplies for a week. In addition to the groceries, they brought 40 toys for the children, carefully packed in their luggage. Once in Cartagena, they bought 10 more toys and provided 50 cheeseburgers and juice boxes, ensuring the children had a meal for the day.

However, the group faced a heartbreaking moment when the toys ran out, leaving about 50 children without. One of the siblings took the opportunity to share a personal story about growing up in a similar environment, reflecting on the challenges faced during childhood. A promise was made to return in the future with more toys and food for the children.

Looking ahead, the group is planning another trip, aiming to raise more funds and make an even greater impact. They hope to provide groceries and essentials for 80 families, enough to last a week, and toys for 100 children. They are inviting anyone interested in contributing or joining them in person from September 11 to September 16 to reach out and be part of this meaningful endeavor.

To contribute and share please visit: https://www.gofundme.com/f/support-barrio-la-maria-food-and-toys-for-kids

About the Author

Jana Angel is a South Carolina native who traded palmettos for the palm trees of Florida. Currently she is the Co-Host of River City Live on News4JAX.

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