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River City Plus: Jana and Rance |The last Double A Energy Dance

As my time on River City Live comes to an end, I wanted to take this opportunity to share something incredibly special about a person who has been by my side through it all—Rance Adams. This is my last chance to sneak in a surprise for my Co-Anchor, my friend, and my truest other half.

Rance, this one’s for you.

We’ve been through so many ups and downs together, not just in our careers but in life. Through every curve, every twist, and every unexpected turn, we’ve had each other’s backs. You’re not just my co-anchor; you’re my best friend, my confidant, and even my emergency contact!

What many people don’t realize is how hard you work to make this community better. You don’t just talk the talk—you walk it. Through your actions, your donated time, and that signature call to action, “Support your locals, people!” you inspire everyone around you. You’re not on TV to be on TV. You’re here to lift others up, to shine a light on those working hard to make a living and make a difference. And in doing so, you’ve become a beacon for our community.

Rance, you are a love I never thought I’d have the honor of knowing. I am so blessed to have worked by your side. No one lifts me higher than you do. No one makes me feel safer. And, let’s be honest, no one parties harder than we do (ha!).

As I step away from this incredible journey, I can’t wait to see what you do next as the leader of this amazing team. Your heart, your drive, and your unshakable faith in the good of people will continue to guide you—and everyone lucky enough to work with you—to even greater heights.

I love you, Rance. Thank you for being my rock, my laughter, and my joy. The world needs more people like you. And no matter where life takes us, I’ll always be cheering you on.

Your forever friend and biggest fan, and Double A Energy Sis

- Jana