
Camden cable company, Channel 4 dispute continues

TDS Telecom retransmission dispute FAQs

We have an important programming note for our thousands of viewers in South Georgia who want WJXT News and our TV shows back on TDS Telecom cable. We want you to have access to breaking news, severe weather and big events just as much as you do. 

At midnight on Dec. 31, the Channel 4 programming you’ve grown to love went blank for viewers in the Camden County, Georgia, area. We want to be clear that this decision was made by TDS Telecom, who up to this point hasn’t agreed to pay our station fair market value.

You, the viewer, have every right to be upset. Our television station’s phone has been ringing off the hook and we’ve received many voicemails:

”I want that channel back on TV.”

”I am very upset that I can’t get Channel 4 on my TV this morning. No warning. They are like family to me. I watched it for years.”

”I really want to know where my WJXT Channel 4 is, because I really miss it, and I really want to see it.”

For the first time in the history of WJXT, our contract expired with a local cable company and our signal went dark. The station has negotiated hundreds of these deals in the past without any programming interruptions, until now. 

General Manager Bob Ellis says the station has been negotiating in good faith with TDS Telecom, who so far is unwilling to pay market value to the most-watched station on their entire cable system.  

”The TDS negotiating team has ceased negotiating with us. We’ve tried for several months, right up to the deadline, so by virtue of that, they no longer have consent to carry our programs. We are very cognizant and unhappy with the disposition this presents to their customers we want them to carry WJXT,” Ellis said.

In a letter dated Jan. 1, from TDS Telecom to their South Georgia viewers, it reads: “We will continue to try to reach an agreement that will allow us to include WJXT in our lineup. In the meantime you can stream the news on News4JAX.com.” 

Ellis says the station isn’t being unreasonable but rather is seeking fairness.  

“Their offer to us is neither fair, nor reasonable given current market value, particularly given the significant investment we have made to you the viewers of TDS for the best news product in South Georgia, North Florida and top tier TV entertainment programs throughout the rest of the day.”

If you have TDS Telecom, realize you’re not getting your money’s worth if you can't watch Channel 4 programming. If you want WJXT back, call TDS Telecom at 888-225-5837 or email comments@tdstelecom.com.

News4Jax anchor and I-TEAM reporter Tarik Minor spoke with Corporate Communications Vice President Drew Peterson on Wednesday.

VIDEO: Channel 4 goes dark on south Georgia cable system

"Negotiations, from our perspective, continue while we are at an impasse. Communications have gone back and forth between Channel 4 and TDS as late as 2 o’clock this afternoon. This is unfortunate. It’s not our desire to experience a blackout. We like to bring high quality programming to all of our customers and all of our networks, but we are being asked to pay rates three times, three and a half times, what we’re paying for similarly situated stations. And we think that a bad outcome for our community and our customers and because of that we are continuing to negotiate on their behalf,” Peterson said.

He then asked Peterson, “So, to be clear, the renegotiations are not over, they are going to continue?”

Peterson replied, saying, “We are going to try and find a resolution but we’ve been met with pretty one sided renegotiations so far, and we’ve made what we believe to be reasonable agreements as to what we think a fair rate would be which includes a modest adjustment for the time of the contract, but a 47 percent more of what we’re paying today is just something that we hear constantly from our customers, the high price for video programming and how difficult it is to be video subscribers and we hear them loud and clear and are trying to mitigate those unnecessary increases which are pocket book items for our customers.”

TDS Telecom retransmission dispute FAQs

We know it is an inconvenience for you to be caught in the middle of all of this and we understand your priority is to keep your programs from Channel 4. That is why we’re here to help you keep us (or get us back) on your provider.

When will the station go off the air?

Without a deal or an extension at midnight  Dec. 31, 2016, TDS Telecom removed WJXT from its system.

Why is this happening?

The station and its parent company have been negotiating in good faith, but TDS Telecom is not willing to pay a fair and reasonable amount for retransmission of our programming. TDS Telecom makes money off of our programming because it charges you for it, so basically, if we go off the air, you will not be getting what you pay for.  We are an active part of this community. We provide you a service right here in Georgia with important news and weather information and the entertainment programs you enjoy, and that’s why we need your help. 

What can I do?

Call TDS Telecom at 888-225-5837. It is helpful if you have your account number ready, because they will ask for it. Ask for the Customer Retention department if possible.

What other methods do I have for watching the station’s programming?

  • All station newscasts are streamed live on the station's website News4Jax.com and the News4Jax app
  • You can purchase an Over-The-Air antenna at your local Walmart, Best Buy or other electronics stores. You can get them for less than $20, which is a one-time-only expense, and watch our station for free. After you set it up, you just need to follow the manufacturer's instructions to re-scan your channels. (transfer to a designated engineer for more info if needed)
  • Switch to another local provider. Here are just a few options in locally:
  • DIRECTV – 1-800-DIRECTV (1-800-347-3288)
    COMCAST – 1-800-COMCAST (1-800-266-2278)
    ATT UVerse – 1-866-861-6075

    When do you think this will be resolved?

    It’s hard to say. That’s why we really need your help to tell TDS Telecom to negotiate a fair deal.

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