JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – Bottom line: Downtown Jacksonville is “under construction.” That’s the word from Lori Boyer, CEO of the Downtown Investment Authority. She says that’s also vital to the health and vibrancy of the city as a whole.
“We have a really excellent suburban lifestyle that we can sell to a new college graduate or to someone relocating from some other state,” Boyer says. “We have a great beach environment and lifestyle.
PREVIOUS EPISODE: Improving downtown one step at a time | Florida’s economic progress, exponential growth
“What we don’t have where we’re really competitive is that urban downtown lifestyle that you see in some other cities. And there are individuals who that’s what they’re seeking when they’re looking to relocate. So we’re trying to provide that to be as competitive as possible from an economic development standpoint.”
Development in Downtown is our topic in this episode of This Week in Jacksonville: Business Edition.