Jaguars, OneBlood team up for ‘Touchdown for Life’ blood drive at a time when donations are urgently needed
Read full article: Jaguars, OneBlood team up for ‘Touchdown for Life’ blood drive at a time when donations are urgently neededThe Jaguars and OneBlood teamed up Saturday to hold the 8th annual “Touchdown for Life” blood drive to help make a difference in the Jacksonville area and beyond.
Donors needed! Rivalry-style blood drive by LifeSouth
Read full article: Donors needed! Rivalry-style blood drive by LifeSouthJACKSONVILLE, Fla. – Do you bleed for your team? In honor of the annual Florida vs. Georgia football game, LifeSouth is asking Gators and Bulldogs to show support not only for their team, but for local hospitals and their patients, by donating at rivalry-style blood drives on Nov. 5 and Nov. 6. LifeSouth is facing an urgent need for blood donors, especially type O (positive and negative), and is eager to put these two teams' fans to the test and see who will come out on top. All donors will receive a “Bleed for Your Team” T-shirt and a $10 gift card, while supplies last. LifeSouth is also testing all donors for COVID-19 antibodies.