Alzheimer’s Awareness: Purple Parade and Gala | River City Live
Read full article: Alzheimer’s Awareness: Purple Parade and Gala | River City LiveJune is Alzheimer’s and Brain awareness month. There are over 500,000 Floridians dealing with the disease. Lindsay Amerault and her family have been affected by it which left her no other option but to bring awareness to it. Saturday, she and her The Admiral’s Daughters team host the Purple Parade and Gala at the Atlantic Beach Country Club from 6 - 10pm.
Beaches A1A Parrot Head Club Raising Money for Alzheimer’s Awareness
Read full article: Beaches A1A Parrot Head Club Raising Money for Alzheimer’s AwarenessToday on the River City Live the President of Beaches A1A Parrot Head Club gave a $25,000 check to the Walk to End Alzheimer’s Jacksonville. June is Alzheimer’s and Brain awareness month and the Parrot Heads partied with a purpose to raise money for this cause. Coming up later this year with be the 2021 Walk to End Alzheimer’s Jacksonville on November 6th and it is never to early to start raising money. If you would like to find out more info on the event you can visit:
Nurse on coffee break comes to aid of stroke victim
Read full article: Nurse on coffee break comes to aid of stroke victimAfter undergoing an ultrasound on his left leg at Baptist Medical Center South, John Verderane and his wife, Darlene, popped into the hospitals coffee shop to plan next steps. The neurologist said John needed surgery right away and they were going to LifeFlight him to Baptist Medical Center Jacksonville. When Verderane was airlifted from Baptist South, his initial stroke score or level of impairment was extremely high. He had just started chemotherapy treatments at Baptist MD Anderson Cancer Center when he suffered the DVT and stroke in mid-January. For more information on the state-certified Comprehensive Stroke Center at Baptist Medical Center Jacksonville, visit