Tips to properly clean out medicine cabinet
Read full article: Tips to properly clean out medicine cabinetIn honor of Friday being “National Clean Out Your Medicine Cabinet Day,” here are some tips if you need to clean out that medicine cabinet and dispose of any old medicine that’s way past its expiration date.
Rate of Floridians with diabetes outpaces national average; 1 doctor calls it an ‘epidemic’
Read full article: Rate of Floridians with diabetes outpaces national average; 1 doctor calls it an ‘epidemic’According to the American Diabetes Association, 11.6% of Floridians had diabetes compared to the national average of 9.4%.
Florida health agency issues notice to providers following FDA decision on mifepristone
Read full article: Florida health agency issues notice to providers following FDA decision on mifepristoneThe Food and Drug Administration recently made a regulatory change, paving the way for the sale of mifepristone at retail pharmacies — and executives at Walgreens and CVS have both said they plan to carry it where it’s permitted.
TELL US: Has antibiotic shortages affected you or your loved ones?
Read full article: TELL US: Has antibiotic shortages affected you or your loved ones?Over the past few months, there has been a shortage of medicines, including antibiotics. Strep throat, sinus infections, ear infections, upper respiratory infections, and other sicknesses have been tough for doctors to treat without them.
As COVID-19 cases spike, where are the Comfort and Mercy ships now?
Read full article: As COVID-19 cases spike, where are the Comfort and Mercy ships now?The ships were deployed in late March to help assist frontline hospital workers and provide care on the ships, should hospitals overflow with patients. Comfort arrived in New York City on March 30, a day after it left Virginia, according to Business Insider. Comfort left New York City after treating 182 patients, 70% of whom had COVID-19, according to NavyTimes. Comfort is available in case it is needed for future help, according to NavyTimes, while USNI News reported the same is true for Mercy. (Getty Images)The USNS Comfort departs for its home port of Norfolk, Virginia on April 30, 2020 in New York City.
You asked, we’re answering: 5 things you want to know about COVID-19
Read full article: You asked, we’re answering: 5 things you want to know about COVID-19There is no research or data to suggest ibuprofen is dangerous for someone with COVID-19 to use. While officials don’t know the exact source of COVID-19, they know the first infections were linked to a live animal market. So far, there’s no evidence that COVID-19 is spread through semen or vaginal fluids, according to Planned Parenthood. Therefore, it would be easy to get COVID-19 if you have in-person sexual contact with someone who has it. If not, click here to let us know what you’d like to find out about the novel coronavirus.
How long will it take to have a vaccine for COVID-19?
Read full article: How long will it take to have a vaccine for COVID-19?How long do experts forecast for a COVID-19 vaccine to be created? Moderna, one of the U.S. companies working on a vaccine, said it could have a vaccine ready for a phase one clinical trial in people within three months. Phase I vaccine trials - This is the first attempt to try out the vaccine in a small group of adults -- usually 20 to 80 subjects. Phase II vaccine trials - The vaccine is tested on a larger group of individuals to assess the safety of the vaccine and method of delivery. Phase III vaccine trials - If the vaccine passed the first two phases, it’s then tested on tens of thousands of people to make sure there are few adverse side effects and the vaccine is effective.