Members of transgender community open up about what election means for them

Christina Greeneltch says her hope for this election is change

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – A record number of people have already cast their ballots in this year’s presidential election. Voter turnout is breaking records throughout many states, including in Georgia and in Florida. On Sunday, News4Jax spoke with members of the transgender community about this upcoming election and what it means for them.

From inside their Ponte Vedra Beach home, Christina Greeneltch and her wife, Kristie, talked about the 2020 presidential election.

“I am a registered Republican. I always have been,” Greeneltch explained.

Greeneltch is soon to be 58 years old. She has one son.

“He calls me dad. He is the only person in the world that I am OK with it,” Greeneltch said.

She was born Christopher.

“I came out when I turned 50,” Greeneltch said.

Greeneltch said she transitioned in 2015.

“I was supported, at least outwardly, by at least 90% of my family and 95% of my friends, and work was 100% supportive,” she said.

When asked whether she feels supported by the conservative party, Greeneltch said: “I would say no, but I haven’t looked for support from them. I don’t know how they would support others. I would like to think they might, but I don’t know they would.”

News4Jax also asked her whether she felt suppressed by the current administration.

“Well, that’s tough. I haven’t seen anything to say they are suppressing us. I just haven’t seen anything they can say they appreciate us or see our worth,” she said.

In recent weeks, President Donal Trump’s reelection campaign has hosted LGBTQ events in battleground states, including Florida where the president’s daughter, Tiffany Trump, headlined an event in Tampa.

“My father has always supported all of you. He’s never done it for politics,” Tiffany Trump said to a crowd of members of the LGBTQ community.

Greeneltch’s reaction to that statement: “I don’t see it physically. I don’t see it. I don’t hear about it. I hear more of him separating us all more than I do pulling us together.”

In a statement, Gina Duncan, the director of transgender equality for Equality Florida, said, in part: “The Trump administration has attacked the transgender community from every aspect of daily life: The rollback of Title IX (nine) school guidance, of trans related healthcare and insurance protections, of homeless shelter rights and protections, to the Transgender Military Ban. The Trump administration’s obsession with erasing the transgender community has gaslit anti-transgender legislation at the state level and has encouraged violence against an already vulnerable segment of our society.”

READ: Duncan’s full statement

News4Jax asked Greeneltch what her hope is for this presidential election.

“I guess change,” she said. “As uncommitted as that sounds, it would be change, and I don’t know if change can be done without, change of personnel.”

Many say this is the most important election of our lifetime, and for those in the transgender community, they say it’s a vote that could change everything.

About the Author
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Zachery “Zach” Lashway anchors KPRC 2+ Now. He began at KPRC 2 as a reporter in October 2021.