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Florida state House District 21

District covers most of Gainesville and extends west to the Gulf of Mexico

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Incumbent Republican Chuck Clemons faces Democratic challenger Kayser Enneking to represent the residents of western Alachua County and all of Gilchrist and Dixie counties.

Because there are no primary challenges, this race only appears on the general election ballot in November.

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Scroll down to read each candidate’s responses to News4Jax’s questionnaire, presented verbatim as submitted.


Chuck Clemons

Party affiliation: Republican

Campaign website:

This candidate has not responded to the News4Jax candidate survey.


Kayser Enneking

Party affiliation: Democratic

Age: 60

Candidate’s family: Mark Scarborough (Husband) Andrew Scarborough (Son) Olivia Clulow (Daughter)

Occupation: Physician

Education: Medical School Class of 1986 · University of Florida Bachelors of Science - Molecular Biology Class of 1981 · Vanderbilt University

Political experience: Candidate for State Senate District 8 in 2018

What do you see as the top three issues in this race?

  1. Healthcare, which has always been a serious issue but Covid-19 has put a spotlight on it.
  2. Public Education, Our public education system is severely underfunded.
  3. Infrastructure, covid-19 has shown us the importance of having statewide broadband internet access.

How can you help voters in a way that others running for this office cannot?

As a physician I have a deep understanding of health care needs and solutions. I am committed to using my experience to improve health care for all Floridians.

What would you hope to be remembered for accomplishing after serving in this office?

Moving health care improvement solutions through the legislative process.

If elected how would you address the calls for racial justice?

1. Overhaul the cash bail system. 2. Legalize marijuana. 3. Demilitarize our police forces. 4. Stop officers with records of excessive use of force from being able to move from one department to the next.

What challenges does COVID-19 present to the office you are seeking?

The economic downturn that has occurred has severely impacted state revenues at a time when even more Floridians are in need.

Campaign website:

Campaign’s social media pages: Facebook | Twitter