Thirteen candidates completed the August primary for this seat that U.S. Rep. Ted Yoho is vacating after three terms representing this North Central Florida district.
Kat Cammack, a former chief of staff and campaign manager for Yoho, won a 10-person Republican primary with 25% of the Republican vote and advanced to the general election ballot against Adam Christensen, a Gainesville businessman who got 34% of the Democratic vote in a three-person primary.
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Scroll down to read each candidate’s responses to News4Jax’s questionnaire, presented verbatim as submitted.
Kat Cammack
Party affiliation: Republican
Age: 32
Candidate’s family: Husband, Matthew
Occupation: Owner - Grit Strategies LLC
Education: B.A. International Relations - MSU Denver and M.S. Strategic Studies and National Defense, US Naval War College
Political experience: Deputy Chief of Staff and Campaign Manager for Congressman Ted S. Yoho DVM (2012-2020)
What do you see as the top three issues in this race?
- Promoting an America First legislative agenda and standing with President Trump.
- Defending the Second Amendment.
- Protecting the unborn.
How can you help voters in a way that others running for this office cannot?
I am the only candidate with the experience necessary to hit the ground running in DC. After spending nearly a decade working for Congressman Ted Yoho, I know how to best navigate the Washington Swamp in order to properly advocate for the conservative values that we hold dear.
What would you hope to be remembered for accomplishing after serving in this office?
I would like to be remembered for being a true representative of the people of Florida's third congressional district. I would also like to be remembered for standing with President Trump in protecting our borders and fighting against the radical left as they attempt to implement socialist policies across our country. It would also be important to me to be remembered for my efforts in cutting taxes, reducing the debt/deficit, and limiting the overreach of the federal government in our everyday lives. Voters can also be assured that my legacy would include unwavering advocacy for the Second Amendment, the unborn, and the conservative American values beholden to the residents of FL-03.
If elected how would you address the calls for racial justice?
We are currently at a point in history where individuals seek to divide our country rather than working to bring us together. As the wife of a first responder, I know firsthand that nobody hates a bad cop more than a good cop. While there is certainly work to be done in addressing racial issues across the country, the fact is that a vast majority of our law enforcement officials and first responders put their lives on the line each and every day for our communities. I stand with them and have a record of focusing on these issues through my work in Congressman Ted Yoho's office and also through The Grit Foundation, which is an organization that my husband and I founded to help our law enforcement, veterans, and first responders. Furthermore, while I support anyone's right to peacefully protest, looting and destroying private property is unacceptable and must be dealt with immediately. It is important for us to elect new and bold leaders who are able to bring our country together and focus on what unites us rather than what divides us.
What challenges does COVID-19 present to the office you are seeking?
As a small business owner, I know how important it is for us to focus on pro-growth policies that will help our economy rebound and return to the strong positioning we had as a result of the Trump administration prior to COVID-19. It is imperative that our next member of Congress is able to look at a situation like COVID-19 and balance the narratives played out in the mainstream media with the realities of what we must do to keep our people safe and healthy. Furthermore, COVID-19 has taught us the importance of an America First agenda. We must ensure that the health of our people and the strength of our economy are not dependent on foreign countries like China.
Campaign website:
Campaign’s social media pages: Instagram | Twitter | Facebook
Adam Christensen
Party affiliation: Democratic
Age: 26
Candidate’s family: No response
Occupation: Small business owner
Education: Bachelor’s degree in Biology from Hampden-Sydney College
Political experience: (no response)
What do you see as the top three issues in this race?
Since the birth of this campaign, my motto has always been “for the many, not just me.” This is more than just a slogan, however. This principle is at the core of my campaign, and my policies have been created accordingly. I am most passionate about solving the issues surrounding healthcare, the environment, and big money in politics.
In the midst of an infectious disease outbreak, many Americans across the district and the nation are losing their jobs and subsequently also their healthcare. This has forced many individuals not to go to the hospital when necessary for fear of unaffordable medical bills. I firmly believe that healthcare is a human right and should not be contingent on socioeconomic status or any other factors. Medicare For All is an absolute necessity, not only in difficult times like these but always. By controlling costs, managing health disparities, and ensuring that everyone has equal access to medical care, Medicare For All will guarantee that no American has to sacrifice their medical well-being because of their economic situation.
The current administration has undone environmental regulations to a dangerous extent. I am proud to have signed the No Fossil Fuel Money Pledge, promising not to take any money from any organization associated with fossil fuels. I have also signed the Green New Deal Pledge, promising to support a Green New Deal while in Congress. This is one of the first actions I intend to pursue once reaching Capitol Hill to ensure that humanity does not experience the worst effects of a warming planet. It is becoming more obvious that the state of our environment and economy must be drastically transformed. We must put priority on clean energy like wind and solar and rely far less on oil and coal. We also support a Blue New Deal that protects marine reserves and fisheries that provide for so many. By placing the focus on families and small businesses, we can create an economy that works for the working class and protects our environment at the same time.
Campaign finance reform is necessary in order to secure our democracy. Continuing to allow campaigns to be run by the few with their actions affecting the many goes against everything my campaign and I stand for. To adhere to the voices of every voter, it is important that we not only reform the way private money flows in our elections but that we also require transparency of campaign finances to voters. This means ensuring public disclosure of campaign contributions. Campaigns also need to start prioritizing marginalized and under-represented communities just as much as they prioritize wealthy donors. I believe not recognizing the need for campaign finance reform is equivalent to validating that only the opinions of voters with deep pockets matter. My platform’s foundation is built on fighting for a world we can afford, where everyone is respected. Campaign finance reform is necessary in order to achieve this. When all voters’ voices are heard equally, we build a society with equity and justice for all.
How can you help voters in a way that others running for this office cannot?
I believe that I am uniquely suited to help voters because of my capacity to empathize with constituents. Growing up in rural Indiana, I saw first-hand how financial greed can destroy individuals and communities. As a result of my own experience, my campaign is focused on dismantling the systems in place in North Central Florida that are preying on the lower and middle class. My platform is more than a list of appealing policy points; it is a conglomeration of perspectives derived from my own life.
After college, I moved to Gainesville, Florida with $3000 in my pocket and plans to start two startup companies. Both companies strive to and have been successful in catching fraud and ensuring authenticity in the natural products industry. My experience starting my own business in this district and committed efforts to root out fraud in the market has given me an ability to not only empathize with the working-class Floridians I hope to represent but also develop a profound understanding of the role corruption plays in all industries, including politics.
During a time where the disconnect between politicians seems to be ever-growing, I firmly believe that my ability to empathize with those that I represent will allow me to truly be a champion of the working class as a member of Congress.
What would you hope to be remembered for accomplishing after serving in this office?
I may be the face of this campaign, but each and every decision is made with the intention to protect and progress the many. Like all districts, Florida’s 3rd Congressional District is deserving of a representative in office that will speak and act for the best interests of the majority of its people. While this is understood to be the fundamental role and responsibility of all members of government, it, unfortunately, has not been consistent with reality. For far too long, Florida politics have failed to account for the average worker, resulting in a growing lack of trust between people and politics. There is a blatant lack of compassion and care for human life that runs rampant throughout our government systems.
There are a number of goals I hope to accomplish while serving in office. I hope to play an integral role in pushing forward legislation concerning Medicare for All and the Green New Deal. I want to be a part of the movement to remove dark money from politics and end government corruption. But most of all, I hope to be remembered as a Congressman who simply listened to my constituents and fought for the people of North Central Florida.
If elected how would you address the calls for racial justice?
The recent killings of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Tony McDade, Breonna Taylor, and many more have brought the nation and the world’s attention to the racism distinctly present in our criminal justice system. It is imperative that the government and its elected officials take immediate action to address this ignored issue. If elected, I will work to establish stricter Use of Force revisions to ensure that it is only used when there is an unequivocal need for it. Whenever force is used, the victim and police officer must have their names released within 24 hours and bodycam footage must be reviewed immediately by an unbiased organization. Perhaps more importantly, I will also require comprehensive de-escalation and inclusivity training to help police officers recognize and address their implicit biases. This training will focus not only on race, but also on sexuality, gender, wealth, and much more.
Although the recent calls for racial justice stem from acts of police brutality, racial injustices permeate throughout all aspects of society. In our communities, the criminalization of marijuana has intentionally led to the mass incarceration of many Black and Latino individuals. Substantial research shows that the enforcement of criminal penalties for marijuana possession and use is disproportionately focused on neighborhoods of color. I believe that legalizing medical and recreational marijuana to end the racism at the core of the War on Drugs is absolutely necessary, but it alone is not enough. I will also fight to vacate and expunge all past marijuana-related arrests and convictions to attempt to right some of the wrongs people of color have unjustly experienced at the hands of the War on Drugs. Moreover, I plan to use the revenue from legal marijuana to reinvest in those communities that were hit hardest by its criminalization.
Overall, my campaign’s overarching goals have always been to fight for a life we can afford in a world where everyone is respected, and this cannot be accomplished without making the fight for racial justice a priority.
What challenges does COVID-19 present to the office you are seeking?
COVID-19 has thrown traditional campaigning into a flux, making it difficult to go door-to-door canvassing, and organize in-person events. Nonetheless, we are finding alternative methods to connect with our community. We have built a digital infrastructure that includes our website and social media platforms, set up a studio to create digital content, and hired a digital marketing firm to establish a plan for microtargeting rural parts of the district. I am (virtually) meeting with different organizations and individuals from around the country to talk about my campaign and our race in District 3. We have also put up hundreds of yards signs around the district and will be leaving door hangers as a replacement for canvassing. The global pandemic has made it difficult to navigate the route to the FL-03 congressional seat, but we have risen to the challenge.
Campaign website:
Campaign’s social media pages: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
Note: Ed Silva qualified as a write-in candidate in this race.