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What Ware County voters will see on the November ballot

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The much-covered governor and U.S. Senate races are on the ballot across Georgia, along with several other statewide offices you can learn about here. Ware County voters and surrounding counties settled every state Senate, state House and several local offices during the primary in May, although the elected office holders’ names will appear on the November ballot.

The only local item for Ware County voters to decide is whether or not to approve a 1% local option sales tax, outlined below.

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Ware County 1% Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST)

Voters will vote yes or no on the following question:

“Shall a special one percent (1%) sales and use tax be imposed in Ware County for a period of time not to exceed twenty four (24) consecutive calendar quarters and for the raising of an estimated amount of $55,000,000 for the purpose of funding the following:

Ware County: County roads, street, overpass/bridge, drainage improvements and equipment; county public buildings, rennovations, improvements and equipment; County public works equipment and improvements; County vehicle fleet and equipment; County technology equipment upgrades, training and software upgrades; Pubnlic safety capital outlay, facilities and equipment; Parks and recreation facilities, improvements and equipment; economic development to be completed by the Waycross-Wayre county Development Authority, including capital outlay for construction and/or acquisition of buildings, for renovation and improvements to authority buildings, for land acquisition and/or improvement; and for the use and benefit of the citities of the entire County through the development and promotion of trade, commerce, employment and agriculture, including the acquisition, renovation and improvement of industrial and commercial facilities on property, and any other capital outlay projects consistent with the WWDA’s purpose and legal authority; and all expenses indicental thereto; and Downtown Waycross Development authority, including capital outlay for construction and/or acquisition and/or improvement to authority buildings, for renovation and improvements of authority buildings, for land acquisition andor improvement; and for the use and benefits of the citizens of the entire County through the development and promotion of trade, commerce, employment and agriculture, including the acquisition, renovation and improvement of industrial and commercial facilities or property, and any other capital outlay projects consistent with DWDA’s purpose and legal authority and all expenses incidental thereto.

City of Waycross: Paving dirt roads, streets, overpass bridges, draining improvements and equipment; police department vehicles and equipment; fire and special purpose vehicles and equipment, parks and equipment, public works vehicles and equipment, public buildings, parking and property including acquisition/demolition; water and sewer rehab, major maintenance, vehicles and equipment; information technology hardware, software and equipment; community improvement vehicles, equipment and property demolition.