None of the three candidates in this race got more than 50% of the vote in the March election. The top two vote-getters, Democrat Joyce Morgan and Republican Jason Fischer, advance to the May runoff, which is open to all voters.
News4Jax sent a questionnaire to each candidate asking about their background and their views on several issues. Scroll down to read the responses of those seeking your vote -- in their own words.
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Note: Responses are sorted alphabetically and are presented exactly as submitted, with no editing by News4Jax staff.

Jason Fischer
Party affiliation: Republican
Occupation: Engineer
Age: 39
Your family: Melinda, JJ, Luke, and George
Education: University of North Florida - Bachelor of Electrical Engineering
Political experience: Endorsed by Governor Ron DeSantis, Former member of the Florida House of Representatives, Former School Board Member
What do you see as the top three issues you’ll likely face while holding this office?
The top 3 issues facing the City of Jacksonville are:
Safer Streets-
Crime is an incredibly important issue that is top of mind for people across the county. It’s of utmost importance to keep our residents safe and I look forward to being a part of that. I have been endorsed by Sheriff TK Waters, The Fraternal Order of Police, and was named “Legislator of Year” by several law enforcement groups because of my steadfast support for reducing crime and making our streets safer in our community. As Property Appraiser, I will absolutely support our Sheriff and local police as they clean up the streets and make our city a safe and secure place to live.
Affordable Housing -
As a member of the Florida House of Representatives, I have fought to lower the cost to own a home, rent an apartment or buy a condo. As our next Property Appraiser, I will work with the City Council to host workshops on home ownership, financial literacy, and property tax issues. Part of what has made Jacksonville thrive is that our relatively low cost of living makes this a great place to raise a family. I think pro-family policy positions are vital to the future of our city and I look forward to working with my former colleagues in the legislature and new colleagues to ensure this remains a great place for families.
Infrastructure -
“You and I come by road or rail, but economists travel on infrastructure.” -Margaret Thatcher
As an engineer I have an understanding of the struggles the city faces with our roads, storm water, flooding, beach erosion, bridge repair, and access to high-speed internet. As Property Appraiser I will work with the next Mayor and City Council to make sure that these issues are addressed. Regardless of politics, these issues impact your quality of life and value of your property.
Beyond those three issues, what do you see as the top issue you’ll likely face while holding this office
The citizens of Jacksonville deserve a Property Appraiser who will give them a fair and just appraisal of their property. As an electrical engineer with a strong background in technology, I recognize the office needs significant technology upgrades both in the office and the customer facing side. I’ll also have a strong focus on personnel. It’s something that will be evaluated to make sure that the right people are on the bus and in the right seats so we can deliver the best service to our residents.
How can you help voters in a way that others running for this office cannot?
I’m a fiscal conservative and have a proven record of cutting taxes and fighting waste. I’m an engineer, so while all the other politicians are talking about problems, I’m rolling up my sleeves and creating solutions. I helped Governor DeSantis with his Freedom Agenda the last four years, I’ve earned his endorsement for this race, and I plan to bring that governing philosophy this office.
What would you hope to be remembered for accomplishing after serving in this office?
That I helped make to Jacksonville a place where our children and our grandchildren will be proud to call home, not because they have to but because they want to.
Campaign website:
Social media: Facebook

Joyce Morgan
Party affiliation: Democrat
Occupation: Jacksonville City Councilmember District 1
Age: 66
Your family: Married to Dr. Richard Danford, CEO Jacksonville Urban League and 3 adult children
Education: Pursing Executive Masters in Public Policy, Jacksonville University
Political experience: Eight years Jacksonville City Councilmembrer
What do you see as the top three issues you’ll likely face while holding this office?
-Investigating exemption fraud to assure proper exemptions go to the appropriate taxpayers
-Future technology upgrades
-Employee Professional Development
How can you help voters in a way that others running for this office cannot?
I am a very unique individual with an extremely diverse background. I work consistently and diligently for the community without regard to race, ethnic background, gender, or political persuasion. I am a leader who believes in consensus building and I have served with distinction on the Jacksonville City Council. I have been a liaison and a member on the Value Adjustment Board for three years, serving as Chair for two of those years where commercial and personal property owners have a chance to dispute the amount of taxes they must pay. I have maintained a very high level of accessibility, visibility, and trust through my District 1 Town Hall meetings that I’ve conducted the entire time I’ve been on Council. I plan to further enhance the community outreach the Property Appraiser’s office does. I have found that partnerships with the business and non-profit community can create positive outcomes. Additionally, some technology upgrades will be necessary in some of the systems currently used in the office that I would need to address during the budget process. And I’d like to continue work on creating more opportunities for success/advancement for employees in the Property Appraiser’s office which then helps the taxpayers we have a duty to serve.
What would you hope to be remembered for accomplishing after serving in this office?
I would like to be remembered for being a servant leader who brought insight and visibility to the Property Appraiser’s role in our everyday life through a variety of community outreach and messages.
Campaign website:
Social media: Facebook