
Jacksonville City Council District 9

This race is open to all voters, regardless of party affiliation

None of the six candidates seeking this office received more than 50% of the vote in the March election. Republican Mike Muldoon and Democrat Tyrona Clark-Murray were the top vote-getters, so they will advance to the May runoff. The race is open to all voters in the district.

News4Jax sent a questionnaire to each candidate asking about their background and their views on several issues. Scroll down to read the responses of those seeking your vote -- in their own words.

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Note: Responses are sorted alphabetically and are presented exactly as submitted, with no editing by News4Jax staff.

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Tyrona Clark Murray

Party affiliation: Democrat

Occupation: Educator and Councilmember

Age: 54

Your family: Third generation Jacksonville native. I am the mother of two adult children and one grandson.

Education: I have a Bachelor of Arts from Florida A & M University. I also hold a Masters in Education Leadership from the University of North Florida.

Political experience: I am City Council District 9 Incumbent. I won the 2022 Special Election Unitary Vote with 53% of District 9 voters choosing me.

Over the last few months, we surveyed News4JAX Insiders to find out what they saw as the top issues facing our city, ahead of the city elections. These issues below are the top three – how would you address each one if elected?

Voters’ No. 1 issue: Crime

First of all, I am addressing the crime issue in District 9 by relying on the tips residents email my office. I have been in office only five months, but in that time I have worked with the Jacksonville Sherrif’s Office to shut down three drug houses in the Mid-Westside and Woodstock communities. I will continue to walk neighborhoods with this type of activity with the Sherrif and the Assistant Chiefs of my Zones. Additionally, I will continue to approve funding for anti-crime programs such as Cure Violence. Likewise, I will continue to support the work of community based programs such as the Community Based Crime Reduction Committee, CBCRC, that examine the causes of crime to fight it from an environmental, economic, and educational perspective.

Voters’ No. 2 issue: Affordable Housing

Secondly, Jacksonville needs more affordable housing. According to representatives with the I.M. Schulzbacher Center, we need at least 5000 units. To help achieve this goal I would lobby our state representatives to expand the pool of tax credits allotted for the unhoused. Unfortunately, one one homeless deal is released through Florida Housing. On the local level, I would support changing the singe family home zoning that exists in 90% of the county. Futhermore, I would continue to support legislation such as the Accessory Dwelling Bill recently passed by City Council. I would continue to offer assistance to renters through Emergency Rental Assistance Programs. However, for those who want to become homeowners, I would continue to offer first-time homebuyer assistance programs from federal, state, and local levels.

Voters’ No. 3 issue: Infrastructure

The city has several funding sources from the federal and state level to build and repair infrastructure. Most recently, the Local Gas Option Tax was approved, providing the county with an additional revenue source. My primary concern is that these dollars are used for the infrastructure projects that effect residents’ everyday lives. Some of those projects are: bulkhead construction and replacement among our many rivers and creeks that feed directly into the St. Johns River and are more prone to create inland flooding, Septic tank abatement to preserve our groundwater sources, and Upgrade drainage systems in our older neighborhoods.

Beyond those three issues, what do you see as the top issue you’ll likely face while holding this office?

Additionally, the controversy of whether or not to remove Confederate Monuments was an issue before my tenure and remains to this day. The Council must make a decision to move forward as a city by removing those symbols of a lost cause.

How can you help voters in a way that others running for this office cannot?

I am focused on doing the work to make the residents’ of District 9 everyday lives better. Also, I didn’t start making our lives better because of an election. I started seven years ago as a member of the Northside Citizens Planning and Advisory Committee, NWCPAC. In fact, some of the projects I submitted to the city as apart of the Capital Improvement Program were completed last week along Melson Ave. Most importantly, I have lived in several neighborhoods under the previous and new district map. I know the people and communities in District Nine. Unfortunately, District Nine has been neglected for almost a decade due to candidates moving into it just to get “a seat on the Council.” This neglect has come to a stop, because I see everyday what is happening and believe that the District can be better.

What would you hope to be remembered for accomplishing after serving in this office?

I think that people will remember me as a city leader who chose people over politics. Also, that I wasn’t interested in enriching myself, but I actually made the lives of Jacksonville’s Residents better.

Campaign website: voteclarkmurray.com

Social media: Facebook | Instagram

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Mike Muldoon

Party affiliation: Republican

Occupation: Retired/Board of Directors

Age: 61

Your family: Pam (spouse) Lauren, Michael II and Rylie (children)

Education: BA Accounting, The University of West Florida

Political experience: First time running for office

Over the last few months, we surveyed News4JAX Insiders to find out what they saw as the top issues facing our city, ahead of the city elections. These issues below are the top three – how would you address each one if elected?

Viewers’ No. 1 issue: Crime

Work with JSO and focus on gang violence in our community. Beyond that, focus on why our murder rate is as high as it is and on a bad trend. We need a safer community to grow and thrive.

Viewers’ No. 2 issue: Affordable Housing

Work with DIA and other groups to focus on investors willing to create new and exciting housing with potential incentives. CD9 is in need of new, affordable housing and is a key factor in revitalizing our district.

Viewers’ No. 3 issue: Infrastructure

Review CIP and go from there. I believe we still have too many homes on septic tanks and areas where we could bury utilities instead of being above ground. Many of the roads in D9 need repair and resurfacing and I believe as a council, we need to address storm impacts around the river and what that could mean for future investments and building requirements.

Beyond those three issues, what do you see as the top issue you’ll likely face while holding this office?

1. Address impact of schooling in preparing our kids for jobs/opportunities of the future.

2. Work with public safety groups to create a better model to attract and retain our workforce.

3. Assess various aspects of our current government/processes and look for improvements and efficiency. City services should be high quality for our citizens and delivered to everyone in the same manner.

How can you help voters in a way that others running for this office cannot?

Over my 38+ year career in “Big 4″ public accounting, I’ve developed financial/analytical skills that I believe elevate what I can bring to city council and our community. As a partner in our firm, I helped create highly successful teams and provide solutions to our clients. We were evaluated on our impact to our clients, people and firm. My mindset is whatever we’re doing on Coucill, we have to be impactful to our district and community as a whole. That’s my approach.

What would you hope to be remembered for accomplishing after serving in this office?

That I made a difference in my community and was impactful for all of my constituents. That I helped others to become more successful, pay it forward.

Campaign website: Muldoonforjax.com

Social media: (No response)

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