2024 Voter's Guide: Florida’s 5th Congressional District

Districts after 2022 redistricting

U.S. Rep. John Rutherford is seeking his fifth term in Congress. He defeated one challenger in the Republican primary and now faces Democrat Jay McGovern and a write-in candidate in the general election.

The 5th Congressional District was redrawn by the state in 2022 and covers Duval County south and east of the St. Johns River and northern St. Johns County.

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News4Jax sent a questionnaire to each candidate asking about their background and their views on several issues. Scroll down to read the responses of those seeking your vote -- in their own words.

Note: Responses are sorted alphabetically by party and are published exactly as submitted, with no editing by News4Jax staff.

Jay McGovern

Jay McGovern

Occupation: Engineer

Age: 63

Family: Wife Carolyn and two adult daughters

Education: Bachelor of Science, Marine Engineering from the United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD

Master of Science, Aeronautical Engineering from the Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA

Political experience: Never held political office.

What do you see as the top three issues in this race, and how do you plan to address them? 1. Individual Rights: The overturning of Roe v. Wade was an attack on Women’s rights, specifically their right to privacy. The idea that the Government should dictate what a woman does with her body is the antithesis of Liberty. Most Americans feel abortions should be safe, legal, and very rare. Now we have learned they need to be safe, legal, rare and free of Government overreach. I will support legislation that codifies a woman’s right to privacy.

2. Immigration Reform: Securing our border would be more effective if it were easier for workers to come here legally. I would support legislation to expand guest worker programs. Congress hasn’t enacted any meaningful immigration reform since Ronald Regan was President over 40 years ago. When they did, America benefited. Congress had a chance this year to enact bipartisan immigration reform but instead allowed politics to rule the day.

3. Personal Safety: Both economic and physical safety. More and more Americans feel unsafe as they go about their daily lives. Statistically, America is safe, but there are places where life shattering violence is too common. We do not need to limit gun ownership to enhance gun safety. We can treat addiction like an illness not a crime. We can reduce crime by providing a positive vision and a path for people to become upwardly mobile again. Economic safety includes action to positively affect cost of living for middle class families. This includes, things like the cost of home owners’ insurance, internet access, energy costs, junk fees on credit cards and other consumer spending. I support a strong consumer’s bill of rights, as President Kennedy proposed and much of which was enacted and has been systematically dismantled over the last 40 years.

How can you help voters in a way that others running for this office cannot? By being accessible and ensuring my staff shares my servant mentality. Town hall meetings are non-existent in District 5. That would change if i were elected! I want to listen to constituents not just special interests who have the means to visit Washington D.C. I will commit to hosting monthly town hall meetings for the first six months of my first term and no less than quarterly town hall meetings afterward.

What would you hope to be remembered for accomplishing after serving in this office? As a servant of my Country and District. I spent 30 years in the Navy and found that both fun and rewarding. I would like to go to Washington and convey respect and earn the trust of my colleagues. I will endeavor to strengthen Public education because I believe you cannot build a strong Nation with sick uneducated children. I will to strengthen Social Security and Medicare to ensure every American can enjoy a safe and secure retirement. We had a balanced Federal budget just 24 years ago. We did not have to cut social security to do it. Lastly, I’d work to give Millennials and minorities the same opportunity for economic prosperity that some earlier generations of Americans enjoyed.

Campaign website: www.jaymcgovern.com

Campaign social media: Facebook | X

John Rutherford

John H. Rutherford

Occupation: Retired Jacksonville Sheriff. Career law enforcement officer

Age: 71

Family: Husband, father, grandfather and great-grandfather

Education: Florida State University

Political experience: Sheriff of Jacksonville, US Representative District 4/5

What do you see as the top three issues in this race, and how do you plan to address them?

We must stop the flow of illegal immigration into our nation. We must cut the size and scope of our federal government. We must reduce the cost of living for Americans from the grocery store to insurance, Americans are paying too much.

How can you help voters in a way that others running for this office cannot?

I have been working to address these issues in Congress. I have the experience of bringing people together to solve complex problems and the ability to work across the aisle to achieve bipartisan success for the American people.

What would you hope to be remembered for accomplishing after serving in this office?

That I made a positive difference in the lives of the people I had the honor of serving.

Campaign website: johnrutherfordforcongress.com

Campaign social media: Facebook | X