
2024 Voter's Guide: Alachua County School Board, District 2

This race is nonpartisan, open to all voters

Two candidates are seeking this office. The race will appear on the August ballot open to all voters in the district.

News4Jax sent a questionnaire to each candidate asking about their background and their views on several issues. Scroll down to read the responses of those seeking your vote -- in their own words.

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Note: Responses are sorted alphabetically and are presented exactly as submitted, with no editing by News4Jax staff.


Diyonne McGraw

Occupation: Business Owner, Realtor

Age: 55

Family: Married to Mark McGraw, 3 beautiful children, and grandson Mark McGraw, III

Education: Graduate of Florida A&M University with BS degree in Business Administration, Masters in Education-Novasoutheastern University, Licensed Realtor, Certified Behavior Management Trainer-QBS, SafetyCare

Political experience: Alachua County School Board Member August 2020- 06/2021, November 2022-present

2005 Candidate for City Commission, At Large

Former Board Member of Alachua County Forever Committee, City of Gainesville’s B.I.G. Idea Committee and Parks & Recreation Committee, Alachua County’s Parks & Recreation Board, Santa Fe College’s Ambassadors Board, African-American Accountability Alliance Organization, and Greater Gainesville Chamber’s I-3 Steering Committee

What do you see as the top three issues in this race, and how do you plan to address them?

There are so many issues facing our school system, but three important ones that need to be addresssed consistently are our Student Achievement Gap, recruitment and retention of teachers, and limited funding. Prior to Covid until now, our Acheivement Gap in Alachua County has been a major hurdle. To address the Gap, we must decrease behavior issues in our schools, encourage more parent engagement and accountability, and absenteeism. We currently partner with the Chamber of Commerce providing “celebration ceremonies” with students and families who improve their attendance; the implementation of more traditional Career and technical educational opportunities for students will assist with decreasing behaviors, because since Alachua County has implemented Barber classes in high school, students feel more confident and look forward to coming to school. Also, implementing more VPK and Pre-K ESE classes are going to help increase our reading skills success amongst students prior to third grade. One of the things we need to do differently is how we recruit and retain teachers. We need to provide an environment that is welcoming and rewarding. For example, I would like to see us revert to pass hiring packages which include tangible incentives that will draw quality candidates by hiring a Marketing and Reccrutiment Coordinator. Also, become a overall system that consistently supports, provides ongoing professional development training opportunities and encourages all employees. Due to consistent changes in Tallahassee regarding public schools funding, as a school board member, we need a district-wide financial assessment of our entire district and share the results publicly and implement a plan that will ensure our children receive the best education possible.

How can you help voters in a way that others running for this office cannot?

In less than two years, as a leader, I have brought stability to our district, been visible, accessible, actionable, and visited 90% of our schools within the first two weeks building solid relationships with administrators, staff, teachers, and students, which has nver been done before . I was able to implement a Barber Class at Eastside High School, strong advocate for early childhood education, wrote a District-wide behavior plan, created a community-wide Career & Technical Education Committee, and supported one of the largest raises for all ACPS employees. As your candidate, I would like to have the opportunity to continue the great work that is in progress. Also, the voters of Alachua County know that I support all students and I work extremely hard to keep politics out decisions that affect children. I recently demonstrated this in our last school board meeting, June 18, 2024 and received an email from a local citizen for my comments during that meeting.

What would you hope to be remembered for accomplishing after serving in this office?

I would hope that I am remembered as a trailblazer for children. As I stated before, in less than 2 years, as a member of the board and the current chair, Alachua county has had 3 out of 7 State Improvement schools transition out of “turn around” status in less than 2 years due to a push to change climate and culture in our schools and new district leadership that is monitoring, supporting, and training. I am definitely considered now as a solution-oriented school board member who embraces our issues, but works as a change agent that is implementing solutions that are producing positive results.

Campaign website: votemcgraw.com

Campaign social media: (None given)

Thomas Vu

Occupation: I have dedicated my career to education, starting as a teacher and later serving on the district staff in Alachua County. My experience as a math teacher in the classroom and within the district administration working in data has given me a unique understanding of the challenges and opportunities in our public schools. Since deciding to run for school board, I have been working in education consulting.

Age: 37

Family: I have been with my husband Josh for 10 years. I’m the son of Vietnamese refugees, and they taught me the importance of perseverance, hard work, and valuing the opportunity to live the American Dream. I was born and raised in Florida. I’ve been in Alachua County for almost two decades and I’m glad to call it home.

Education: I graduated with honors from the University of Florida with a Bachelor’s in Finance. Beyond that, I love to learn and consider myself a forever student, always seeking to gain new skills and better understanding of everything. I want our students to share my love of learning and always seek to improve themselves and strive for more.

Political experience: Before running for office, I have been involved in advocacy in education, particular for our teachers. Although this is my first run for the school board, my experience in education and my collaborative approach have equipped me with the tools to drive positive change.

What do you see as the top three issues in this race, and how do you plan to address them?

I thin the top 3 issues in this race are declining literacy rates, high teacher attrition, and the need for greater community engagement and trust in our public schools.

Declining Literacy Rates

Ensuring that our students can read at grade level is fundamental to their academic success and future opportunities. To address this, I want the district to implement evidence-based literacy programs starting from early childhood education paired with a real investment in professional development for our staff. This includes partnering with local organizations that have demonstrated success in bridging literacy gaps, providing targeted support for struggling readers, and learning from our teachers that have shown success in making reading gains with their students. Declining literacy rates hurts our economy, increases crime, and increases gun violence. So much can be prevented if we had real systems that support our kids in reading on grade level and equips them with the skills needed in today’s world.

Teacher Retention

Our teachers are the backbone of our education system, and retaining them is crucial for maintaining a stable and effective learning environment. Our school district has to adapt to the educational landscape today, otherwise the trend of increasing turnover won’t change. Respect and recognition are key. Teachers should have a voice in decision-making processes and be treated as valued professionals. They need to be given agency over their own careers, and the leaders of our school district need to stop treating our teachers as expendable. The district needs to decrease their workload instead of adding on more and more every year. By addressing these issues, we can create a more supportive and sustainable working environment that encourages teachers to stay and thrive in their roles.

Community Engagement and Trust

Building trust and engaging our community are essential for the success of our public schools. Families need to feel confident that our schools are the #1 option for their kids. Instead, we are seeing declining enrollments while the county’s population keeps growing. I want the district to implement a regular feedback cycle. The district needs to start engaging the community and seeking the input of our families when the district is making drastic changes to our schools and educational programs. Decisions like removing VPK options in Hawthorne or dismantling the magnet program at Williams are examples of these drastic changes made without any community input, without any regard for how it affects students and our families. I want to change board policy so that it requires the board to vote on such changes. We cannot build back trust in our school system unless board members lead by example.

How can you help voters in a way that others running for this office cannot?

I bring a unique combination of firsthand teaching experience, district-level administrative insight, and a deep personal connection to the community. As a former teacher, I understand the day-to-day challenges our educators face and the critical need for support and resources in the classroom. The cost of living for everyone has skyrocketed, and that includes our teachers. They are struggling, and we need board members that understand that.

Additionally, my experience on the district staff has given me an understanding of the systemic issues that impact our school system. I have seen the inner workings of our education system and know where improvements can be made. Instead of continuously engaging in short-term thinking, I think we need a long-term strategy, one that involves the community and where we are regularly reporting progress. I want to implement effective, evidence-based, common-sense solutions that address our most pressing challenges, such as improving literacy rates, retaining quality teachers, and increasing student enrollments.

My personal background as the son of Vietnamese refugees and a proud member of the LGBTQ+ community provides me with a unique perspective on the importance of inclusivity, and on the importance of resilience and perseverance. My parents could not teach me how to read, so I started kindergarten like so many of our students. I had to work harder to learn how to read, and then work harder in order to read to learn. Who I am today is the product of the Florida Public School System. It worked for me, so I’m passionate about ensuring it works for the students of Alachua County, because for more and more it does not. I am committed to creating a school environment where every student feels valued and supported, regardless of their background or identity.

What I think truly sets me apart is my unwavering commitment to transparency and community engagement. We live in a period where we expect more of government. We want our elected officials to be honest with us, to tell us the good and the bad. We’re tried of politicians that grandstand. I want to paint an honest picture for our community, be honest with them about what’s working in our school district and what’s not. I also believe in actively listening to and involving our community in the decision-making process. Our families need to be involved and they need to be given real input. By fostering open communication and trust, I want to ensure that the voices of parents, teachers, and students are heard and valued in bettering Alachua County Public Schools.

What would you hope to be remembered for accomplishing after serving in this office?

My goal isn’t to seek notoriety or fame, but to make a difference in Alachua County Public Schools. I want to leave behind a stronger, more resilient school system where teachers feel respected and supported, where students have the literacy skills they need to reach their full potential, and where families feel valued and confident that Alachua County Public Schools are doing the best for their children.

If I am to be remembered, I hope it’s for creating an environment where teachers choose to stay because they are treated with the respect they deserve. I hope it’s for never being satisfied until our students can read on grade level. I hope it’s for making our public schools the #1 option for our families. I hope it’s for helping Alachua County Public Schools return to a place above the state averages instead of its recent decline below them.

What I really want are lasting, positive changes that make our community better and give our kids the bright futures they deserve.

Campaign website: thomasforalachua.com

Campaign social media: Facebook

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