2024 Voter's Guide: Jacksonville Beach referendums

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In addition to voting for mayor and three council members, Jacksonville Beach voters face decisions on two referendums in the 2024 general election. Both referendums deal with amendments to the city charter.

Jacksonville Beach Referendum 1: Removing gender references as associated with job descriptions or duties referenced in the city charter

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“Approve to amend the Charter by removing he/she, him/her, and his/her gender references that are associated with job descriptions or duties in the City Charter”

  • Yes
  • No

Jacksonville Beach Referendum 2: Clarifying that the mayor pro-tem fills a vacancy in the office of the mayor

“Approve to amend the Charter by deleting conflicting language to make it clear that if a vacancy occurs in the office of the mayor, the mayor pro-tem shall act as mayor for the remainder of the unexpired term”

  • Yes
  • No
