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Flagler County's April 2017 Climate Report

Monthly summary of the weather from Bob Pickering

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JACKSONVILLE, fla.Flagler County Rainfall and Climate Report: April 2017


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April 2017 precipitation figures were mostly above normal values across the county.


Normal Precipitation for our region in April is 2.18” and normal year to date (YTD) rainfall is 11.94” However looking at unofficial records at the EOC, the average April rain for Bunnell since the year 1995 has been 2.12”.  April and May typically are drier before the rainy season sets in. Our tropical rainy season begins in late May or early June and usually runs through October.


Overall rainfall numbers ran close to normal or a little above in some places. However we remain several inches below normal in year to date precipitation.


Rainfall reports for April 2017:

Bunnell, Flagler EOC:      2.26”                     YTD:  9.90”

Palm Coast:                        3.12”                     YTD:  8.58”

SW Palm Coast:                 2.93”                     YTD:  9.18”

Marineland                         3.04”                    YTD:  7.43”

Eagle Rock                           1.75”                    YTD:  7.37”

Flagler Beach:                    2.27”                     YTD:  7.03”


The Climate Prediction Center (CPC) is indicating that there are equal chances of above or below normal precipitation and above normal temperatures expected in the month ahead.


The La Niña condition has weakened to neutral with a forecast of neutral conditions to continue with weak El Niño conditions developing during the summer and fall.


The National Weather Service (NWS) reporting station in Daytona Beach maintains the official records for the region and is utilized in reference and reporting for the Flagler County area.  



The lowest temperature recorded at the EOC in Bunnell: 41 degrees - 4/08/2017

The highest temperature recorded at the EOC in Bunnell: 90 degrees - 4/27/2017


Other Notable Weather:

On the morning of April 10th, Skywarn Spotters observed a number of fair weather funnel clouds off shore Flagler Beach.


Flagler County recognizes the reporting efforts of the community volunteer storm spotters and whose contributions assist in the collection of area rainfall data.