Dinosaur footprints found on cave ceiling

Scientists explain the cause

1950s photograph during initial discovery of dinosaur tracks on cave ceiling.

For decades people have wondered what caused footprints on a cave ceiling in Queensland, Australia.

After more than a half a century a team of scientists have solved the mystery of fossilized tracks.

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It turns out five tracks were foot impressions from two-legged upright walking theropod dinosaurs.

Dr. Romilio concluded all five tracks were foot impressions, none were dinosaur handprints.

The unusual location can be explained by Palaeontologist Dr. Anthony Romilioin who published his research in Historical Biology.

"The tracks lining the cave-ceiling were not made by dinosaurs hanging up-side-down, instead the dinosaurs walked on the lake sediment and these imprints were covered in sand.

After enough time only the harder sandstone was undisturbed after erosion washed out softer lake sediment.

About the Author

After covering the weather from every corner of Florida and doing marine research in the Gulf, Mark Collins settled in Jacksonville to forecast weather for The First Coast.

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