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Weather wonder: ‘Thunderhead’ spotted in Northeast Florida

Many of you sent News4Jax videos and photos of a lightning cloud Thursday night.

We received emails from viewers near the World Golf Village area, St. Augustine and Elkton in St. Johns County, Palakta and East Palatka in Putnam County and Orange Park in Clay County.

Check out this cloud over my house.

Posted by Kristi Nixon Griffith on Thursday, May 21, 2020

Well, News4Jax Chief Meteorologist John Gaughan says it was a “thunderhead" cumulonimbus cloud.

“It wasn’t always a single cell, but, man, the lightning was just frequent and intense. You don’t usually see it quite like this,” he said. “A lot of dry air surrounding that thunderhead, and that led to a lot of static electricity and, of course, the form of static electricity we see in the skies of red this time of year is a form of lightning. It was quite the display."