JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – Did you see it?
“Beautiful” is how it was described by John Cermack, floor director here at Channel 4. He was outside just before The 10 O’Clock News and came rushing in to tell me all about it.
Did he get any video? No. But some Ring cameras around Jacksonville sure did!
The video above was sent to us by Marvin Wagner. The video is looking east across the St. Johns River just north of Green Cove Springs.
It took place about 9:50 p.m. and crossed from southwestern to southeastern skies as it broke up. Typically breaking up between 30 and 70 miles up in the atmosphere and traveling at tens of thousands of mph, these rocks heat up rapidly and this causes them to explode. You can see that in the video.
What you can’t see is that it was greenish in color. This implies it was made of nickel, which burns green.
The exact track appears to have come across the state of Florida probably across Tampa to Daytona.
Expect to see more videos online -- and we thank Marvin for his!