Storms to take you into the night

Rain picks up into the week’s end


Some heavy and strong storms are possible late this afternoon into the evening. Some rain could be heavier than a normal summer storm due to a stationary front parked along the state line. It will focus storms toward the coast and I-95 tonight.

A 50% chance of storms will track southeasterly replacing the hot sun with soakers through the sunset hour. There should be less coverage of rain across southeast Georgia on the northern side of the front. Some rain may last lat tonight over southern counties.

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Tomorrow will see more storms as energy rides along the front and taps into the 90-degree temps. This will result in more frequent rain compared to a typical summer day. Rain chances climb to 70% and stay nearly that high into Friday.

Most areas can expect rainfall totals of 1-2 inches through the upcoming weekend, with even higher totals along the I-95 corridor. Highs stay in the 90s through the weekend.

About the Author
Mark Collins headshot

After covering the weather from every corner of Florida and doing marine research in the Gulf, Mark Collins settled in Jacksonville to forecast weather for The First Coast.
