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Two local Great White Sharks challenge the solitary shark stereotype

Ocearch researchers track the pair for 4000 miles

Simon marks the 86th white shark sampled, tagged and released in the Western North Atlantic by Ocearch. He is named after St. Simon's Island, an island in Georgia, near it was tagged. (chrisrossphotodotcom, ocearch)

Two great white sharks, Simon and Jekyll, have been tracked swimming together for 4,000 miles along the Atlantic coast, from Georgia to Quebec, Canada. The two sharks, both about 9 feet long, were tagged by marine biologists with Ocearch in December 2022. Since then until July, they have remained close together, with their movements closely tracked by satellite.

On August 11, one of the sharks resurfaced updating its position to a satellite in the Gulf of St. Laurance. The other shark has not pinged its locations since July 18, 2023.


The discovery of these two sharks swimming together challenges the stereotype that great white sharks are solitary creatures. While great whites are known to be loners for much of the year, they may gather in groups during certain times of the year, such as during migration or when mating.

The researchers who tagged Simon and Jekyll are not sure if the two sharks are friends, siblings, or mates. They are planning to collect blood samples from the sharks to determine their relationship. The blood samples will also help the researchers to learn more about the sharks’ migration patterns and diet.


The discovery of these two sharks swimming together is a significant finding that could help scientists to better understand great white shark behavior. The findings could also have implications for shark conservation efforts. Great white sharks are a vulnerable species, and understanding their behavior could help to protect them from threats such as overfishing and habitat loss.

Ocearch is a nonprofit organization that is dedicated to studying and conserving sharks. The organization has tagged over 90 sharks, and its research has helped to shed light on the lives of these amazing creatures. The discovery of Simon and Jekyll is just one example of the important work that Ocearch is doing.

The findings of this new research could help to improve our understanding of great white sharks and their role in the ocean ecosystem. This information could be used to develop more effective conservation strategies for these vulnerable creatures.

About the Author
Mark Collins headshot

After covering the weather from every corner of Florida and doing marine research in the Gulf, Mark Collins settled in Jacksonville to forecast weather for The First Coast.