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Remember recess? We need adult recess on days like today...

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Kickball, tetherball or swaying on the swings after a PB&J and a pudding cup. As kids, we did it right. Today it’s one-hand driving with fast food sustainance in the other to make it to our next appointment. I love my job, but it’s days like today that I miss my old hours and elementary school.

If I was a quick thinker, maybe I could have thought of a good reason not to be at work today. Note to self, practice cough and come up with a solid excuse and alibi.

I’m not trying to cause a mass call out, but as the colors of sunset settle for the night, maybe it’s a good time to think of your excuse to enjoy a YOU day.

Wednesday will be a little warmer as skies become partly cloudy.

I looked up the Top 20 Good Reasons to Call Out of Work at the Last Minute. Food Poisoning was number three. The passing of a loved one and sickness were number one and two.

Poisoning...yikes. Those are too serious for me. I need one that’s believable without having to carry a paper trail. Something like I was abducted by aliens.

Have you ever done it? Told a little fib or embellish the truth for a day off? If so, what was your excuse?

About the Author
Richard Nunn headshot

Richard Nunn is the Weather Authority Chief Meteorologist
