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What causes trees to uproot during a bad storm

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Home damaged by storm

Ok, we live in Florida, so let’s make a comparison of tree roots to a boat anchor.

An anchor in the sand at the bottom of a body of water keeps a boat in the same space for as long as you need to.

A tree’s roots do the exact same thing.

Eventually, with storms, saturation, and high winds the roots can give way and the tree can uproot, causing damage or even death.

It’s not just the winds, another reason a tree might topple is due to the fact that tree tops get heavier when liquid or sap is drawn towards the top of a tree, making the roots and the trunk unable to carry the weight.

Among the things that cause a tree to uproot, here in Florida hurricanes, thunderstorms (particularly strong ones) and tornadoes can take trees down in an instant.

Once the wind pulls a tree down, the tree is dead. Severed roots are unable to be repaired, and it’s all a part of the circle of life.

If you live near a dead or dying tree, you should strongly consider having it removed from your property for safety reasons alone.

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